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Unit Overview

This document demonstrates the ways in which this unit will fit into my current classroom's schedule over the course of my two-week instructional "take over".

Lessons Outline

Lesson plans included for those in BOLD. Click for details.

*Lessons will be supplemented by other activities such as "brain breaks" comprised of BookFlix story animations of books told in the first person from unexpected perspectives.
Journal Prompts
  • Journal 1: What do you think of when you think of The Mayflower? Your answer may be in list or paragraph format.
  • Journal 2: Getting into character- Please introduce yourself (as your character).
  • Journal 3: (As yourself) Describe a time when you have needed to work with someone who was different from you(perhaps he or she thought differently than you, worked differently from you, etc.). How was this challenging? How was this helpful?
  • Journal 4: Today the ship landed at Plymouth Rock (well, sort of!). Please illustrate the scene from your character’s point of view and describe it in 3-5 sentences.
  • Journal 5: Highs and lows- Please take 10 minutes to reflect on your day as your character. What was the highlight? What was the low point? If you cannot think of a highlight of the day, please describe something you are looking forward to.
  • Journal 6: Today is your birthday (as your character)! Take a moment to reflect in your journal about the previous year. What has changed in your life? What has stayed the same?
  • Journal 7: What is it like to look through the eyes of someone else? What are the advantages? What are the challenges?
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